Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Clean India Mision

Swachchhta Abhiyan is good. But, has any volunteer of this Abhiyan (mission) including Railway official, MP or Minister has ever, ever visited the toilets at Railway station of big cities (like New Delhi), what to talk of railway stations of small cities. If railway cannot clean these dirtiest places of common visit of a common man, can't these toilets be outsourced at the rate of Re 1 per person or some other reasonable rates?

स्‍वच्‍छता अभियान अच्‍छा है. लेकिन क्‍या स्‍वच्‍छता अभियान के किसी स्‍वंयसेवक (किसी सांसद या मंत्री सहित) या रेलवे के अधिकारी ने कभी, कभी भी किसी बड़े रेलवे स्‍टेशन (जैसे नई दिल्‍ली) के टायलेट्स का भ्रमण किया है, छोटे शहरों के रेलवे स्‍टेशन्‍स की तो बात ही क्‍या करें. इन कॉमन मैन की कॉमन विजि़ट्स की सबसे गंदी जगहों को यदि रेलवे स्‍वंय स्‍वच्‍छ नहीं रख सकता, तो इस सुविधा को एक रूपये प्रति व्‍यक्ति या और किसी युक्तियुक्‍त दर पर आउटसोर्स क्‍यों नहीं कर देता? 

Discard plastic bottles

Saving of environment is an issue of utmost priority, and it is definitely more important than to build smart cities. We must, by enacting a law, disallow bottling of cold drinks and water in plastic bottles. The plastic bottles must be replaced with paper (transparent) bottles; all tea cups made of plastics must be banned and replaced either with Kulhar or paper cups.

पर्यावरण सुरक्षा एक प्राथमिकता का मुद्दा है, और यह निश्चित ही स्‍मार्ट सिटी के निर्माण से कहीं अधिक महत्‍वपूर्ण है. हमें पानी और कोल्‍ड ड्रिंक्‍स की प्‍लास्टिक की बॉटल्‍स का बहिष्‍कार एक कानून बनाकर करना चाहिये जिससे इसका कहीं प्रयोग न हो सके. प्‍लास्टिक बॉटल्‍स के स्‍थान पर ट्रांसपेरेन्‍ट काग़ज़ की बॉटल्‍स तथा चाय के कप्‍स का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिये.

Monday, December 29, 2014

चीनी का न्‍यूनतम विक्रय मूल्‍य

भारत की सरकार, गन्ना फसल जो चीनी के लिए कच्चा माल है, के लिए एफआरपी यानी उचित और लाभकारी मूल्य, (दूसरे शब्दों में, MSP or Minimum Support Price or सांविधिक न्यूनतम मूल्य) का निर्धारण करती है। ठीक है, परन्‍तु चीनी, जो शुगर मिल्‍स का उत्‍पाद है, के मूल्‍य को केन्‍द्र सरकारों द्वारा बाजार की शक्तियों की दया पर क्यों छोड़ दिया गया है। इस असमान नीति के कारण देश की चीनी मिलें एक बड़े आर्थिक नुकसान से पीड़ित हैं. देश में, गन्ने का ख़रीद मूल्‍य लगभग रुपये 2500 प्रति मीट्रिक टन से 2800 प्रति मीट्रिक टन के दरम्‍यान रहता है. शुगर मिलों से चीनी की 10% औसत रिकवरी को द्रष्टिगत रखते हुये, एक मीट्रिक टन गन्‍ने की क्रशिंग से चीनी की लगभग एक क्विंटल मात्रा बनती है, जो बिकने पर चीनी मिल को मात्र रुपये 2700-2800 ही उपलब्‍ध करा पाती है. चीनी मिलों को और भी कई अन्य खर्चों के लिए व्‍यवस्‍था करनी पड़ती है. आमदनी और व्‍ययों के इन आँकड़ों के साथ कैसे एक चीनी मिल जीवित रह सकती हैं?

इसलिए, सरकार को चीनी का न्यूनतम बिक्री मूल्य भी तय करना चाहिये. सरकार का यह कदम चीनी की कीमत में एक न्‍यून वृद्धि कर सकता हैं, लेकिन यह चीनी उद्योग को बड़ी राहत देगा. और यहां तक कि चीनी के वर्तमान दामों में 5 रुपए तक की प्रति किलो वृद्धि से एक परिवार को मात्र लगभग रूपये 25 का अतिरिक्‍त खर्च वहन करना होगा. मीडिया इस निर्णय पर बवाल मचायेगा, लेकिन अंतत: ऐसा निर्णय एक ऐसे उद्योग का सशक्तिकरण करेगा, जो असंगठित क्षेत्र में और संगठित क्षेत्र में रोजगार देने के करोड़ों अवसरों का ख्याल रखता है, और जिसके द्वारा भारत सरकार को केन्द्रीय उत्पाद शुल्क के रूप में भारी राजस्व देने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई जा रही है.

भारतीय चीनी उद्योग प्रति वर्ष लगभग 250 लाख मीट्रिक टन, या 2500 लाख क्विंटल चीनी का शक्‍कर उत्‍पादन करता है। चीनी पर केन्द्रीय उत्पाद शुल्क की दर (प्रति क्विंटल लगभग रु. 100) को देखते हुए, यह शुल्‍क राशि लगभग रू. 100 X 2500 X 100000 = रु. 25,00,00,00,000, यानी रु. 2500 करोड़ रुपये ऑकलित होती है. यह एक बहुत बड़ी राशि है. और याद रहे, यहॉ हम अभी मोलासिस (शीरा) पर लगने वाली सेंट्रल एक्साइज ड्यूटी पर विचार नहीं कर रहे हैं.

Fix Minimum Selling Price for Sugar

The government of India fixes the FRP i.e. Fair and Remunerative Price (in other words, Statutory Minimum Price) for sugar cane, the raw material for sugar. Good, but why is the rate of product, that of sugar, left at the mercy of market forces. The sugar mills are suffering a heavy loss due to this uneven policy. The price of cane floats between Rs. 2500 per MT to Rs. 2800 per MT. Looking at an average of 10% recovery of sugar, one MT of cane is converted into one quintal of sugar which, at today's price, fetches the sugar mill only Rs. 2700-2800. With this statistics, how can a sugar mill survive, as the sugar mill has to cater for many other expenses too?

Hence, the government must fix the minimum selling price of sugar too. This may enhance the sugar price a little, but would give huge relief to sugar industry. And increase of even 5 rupees a Kg will make a family to pay Rs. 25 more or so only per month on sugar consumption. The media may make a hue and cry, but ultimately this kind of decision shall be in favour of a type of industry, which takes care of crores of employment in unorganized sector and in organized sector, apart from being instrumental in giving GoI huge revenue in terms of Central Excise Duty.

Indian sugar industry produces an approximate quantity of 250 lakh MT per year, or 2500 lakh quintal. Looking at the rate of Central Excise Duty on sugar (approximately Rs. 100 per quintal), this works out Rs. 100 X 2500 X 100000 = Rs. 25,00,00,00,000, i.e Rs. 2500 crore. Whopping sum. And remember, we are not considering the Central Excise Duty, the GoI obtains form sugar mills on sale of molasses.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Express trains stoppages at major citties

The Express trains (like Shatabdi, Rajdhani and other super fasts) must stop at satellite cities' railway stations and at least two local stations to make the residents of these areas not to come to or go from the main railway station which, in turn, will avoid tremendous traffic congestion in city. Let us take example of New Delhi station, or Delhi or Nizamuddin railway station. No express train stops at any of two of these, what to talk of all three. This results in heavy traffic congestion due to the two/four vehicles in and around the cities of the passengers who are coming to the station to catch the train from the satellite cities' stations, like Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Palwal or so. Even the passengers living in that part of Delhi which is nearer to Nizamuddin have to rush to New Delhi station to catch a train, which starts from New Delhi, and same happens to the passengers getting down the trains at these stations.

Hence, these trains, instead of giving stoppages at small stations having been created at the whims of local MPs only without examining whether this is revenue generating or not (12001 Shatabdi Express stopping at Morena, Dholpur etc.) be allowed to stop at satellite cities' stations.

This will not only benefit the passengers only, this will add to environmental cleanliness, which otherwise gets polluted due to an umpteen number of vehicles rushing towards a major railway station.

Such actions must be initiated in other big cities also by Indian Railway, as just to cite on example, the New Delhi – Bhopal Shatabdi Express (12002) has been extended to Habibganj station in Bhopal, apart from its stoppage at Bhopal station. The chaos of traffic congestion it used to cast when it reached Bhopal earlier (before this extension) has now been subsided considerably.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Heisenberg and Eastern mysticism

I was rather astounded at the derision made by a certain section of our society of what Mr. Rajnath Singh, Union Home Minister said recently about an existence of some reference in some verse in Upnishads with Heisenberg Principle and referred to the writings of Mr. Fritjof Capra. In fact, he simply reiterated what many others state about the great scientific knowledge hidden in spiritual and philosophical messages of Indian Vedic Period sacred texts, which may be googled easily.
The people who passed sarcastic comments on Mr. Rajnath must study Heisenberg (one of the founders of the quantum theory in Physics) himself in his wonderful book "Physics and Philosophy", which speaks of development of various philosophical ideas in quantum theory. Apart from this, the "Tao of Physics" is another example written by Mr. Fritjof Capra.
But I would like to let the readers know what Mr. Capra, in his "Howling with Wolves", which was referred to by Mr. Rajnath Singh, wrote about his meeting and discussion with Mr. Heisenberg on the issue of emphasis of Indian sacred texts:

"When I asked Heisenberg about his own thoughts on Eastern philosophy, he told me to my great surprise not only that he had been well aware of the parallels between quantum physics and Eastern thought, but also that his own scientific work had been influenced, at least at the subconscious level, by Indian philosophy.
In 1929 Heisenberg spent some time in India as the guest of the celebrated Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, with whom he had long conversations about science and Indian philosophy. This introduction to Indian thought brought Heisenberg great comfort, he told me. He began to see that the recognition of relativity, interconnectedness, and impermanence as fundamental aspects of physical reality, which had been so difficult for himself and his fellow physicists, was the very basis of the Indian spiritual traditions. "After these conversations with Tagore," he said, "some of the ideas that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense. That was a great help for me."
The other purpose of my visit, of course, was to find out what Heisenberg thought about The Tao of Physics. I showed the manuscript to him chapter by chapter, briefly summarizing the content of each chapter and emphasizing especially the topics related to his own work. Heisenberg was most interested in the entire manuscript and very open to hearing my ideas. I told him that I saw two basic themes running through all the theories of modern physics, which were also the two basic themes of all mystical traditions-the fundamental interrelatedness and interdependence of all phenomena and the intrinsically dynamic nature of reality. Heisenberg agreed with me as far as physics was concerned and he also told me that he was well aware of the emphasis on interconnectedness in Eastern thought. However, he had been unaware of the dynamic aspect of the Eastern world view and was intrigued when I showed him with numerous examples from my manuscript that the principal Sanskrit terms used in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy-brahman, rta, lila, karma, samsara, etc.-had dynamic connotations. At the end of my rather long presentation of the manuscript Heisenberg said simply: "Basically, I am in complete agreement with you."
…… "

The other book, I happened to read was written by Mr. Dan Brown. If you know him, at 200 million books sold, he is one of the highest selling authors of all time and with only six books, he has achieved these sales writing fewer books than anyone above him on the list. The Robert Langdon series is currently the seventh highest selling series of all time. The Times estimated his income from Da Vinci Code sales as $250 million. He is the author who possesses unparalleled astounding command on symbolism, technologies and has profound knowledge of insights of various cultures across the world. In his "The Lost Symbol", on page 59 (Bantam Press, Edition 2009), he writes:

"… he dropped loudly on the library table. "Modern polarity is nothing but the 'dual world' described by Krishna here in the Bhagwad Gita over tow thousand years ago. A dozen other books in here, including the Kybalion, talk about binary systems and opposing forces in nature."
Katherine was skeptical. "Okay, but if we talk about modern discoveries in subatomics – the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, for example –"
"Then we must look here," Peter said, ……… "The sacred Hindu Vendantic scriptures known as Upnishads." ………… "Heisneberg and Schodinger studied this text and credited it with helping them formulate some of their theories".

Are these still true lies? Instead of being proud of our glorious past, should we de-sanctify it?

~ Sanjay Mohan Bhatnagar

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Who says that IT is information technology?

Who says that IT is information technology? No, it is 'Initiative Technology' on one hand and 'Internal Transformation' on the other. The more initiatives one takes, more and more success stories are created. In fact, while working on such an eGovernance programme, which can touch upon the lives of thousands-nay-millions, it gives you a chance to discover yourself, thus finally transforming yourself internally, along with the process reforms initiated in the eGovernance Programmes.

I am writing this with a particular purpose.

The status of cooperative societies interacting electronically with government and citizens is still in infancy in India. The reason is simple: most of the members of cooperative societies are unknown to the digital world. But looking at the awakening at grass root level for technologies in general and for Information & Communication technologies in particular, the ePortal of department of Co-operation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, namely, 'eCooperatives' (, built by NIC Bhopal supports the societies for presenting the statutory documents to Registrar online without hassle. It is to be understood that in so far as the companies are run by more or less highly educated persons with well equipped support of IT, it is still a dream for cooperative societies to work in such an IT infused environment. The MCA 21 provides a huge support to companies. In the same way the department of Co-operation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh has initiated a remarkable eVolution for 37000+ cooperative societies of MP for enabling them to interact with the government through the Portal "eCooperatives" where every society has been provided an interface with a login with username and password.

The portal enables the common citizens for:
  1. Applying online for registration of cooperative societies.
  2. Applying online for and retrieval of any information of any society which the society has submitted before the Registrar through the Portal.
For this, the citizen has to register himself on the portal with his mobile number only.

This portal won the CSI Nihilent Award in 'Appreciation' category, last year in Vishakhappatnam. The portal was recently selected for "One of the best projects of India" by Skoch Group.

The latest ICT bonanza in Department of Co-operation is (4522) PACS Computerization for which the EOI is about to be floated.