Thursday, January 27, 2011

To Municipalities – Hotels built and run purely on environmentally friendly initiatives – One of such few cases

The Rodas (an EcoTel Hotel) in Powai (Powai, Mumbai) belonging to the EcoTel group of hotels (an international collection of hotels and resorts) claims to being eco-friendly,  and the case study undertaken by EcoTel team reveals some startling outcomes arisen out of wonderful inspiring initiatives. (Courtesy:

Building Construction

·         The hotel’s façade with its dual layers i.e. external arches and columns and internal walls and glazed windows, increases the insulation for the building envelope, reducing energy losses.

·         The position of building, being erected in such a way that the centre-point of its parabolic shape faces the north-east, plays an important role in reducing the effect of direct sunlight and thus helps the hotel save on the energy requirement for air-conditioning and lighting.

·         The cement used throughout the building is Portland Pozzalana (PPC), which uses 25% fly ash, a by-product of electric power generation.

·         All the wood used is either rubber wood  or medium density fibre (from the waste stalks of the cotton tree).


Rodas EcoTel Waste Management:

The management has laid emphasis on reducing waste at source by ensuring that the guest laundry is lightly folded and delivered to the guests in jute baskets, and not in plastic or paper covers. Further the kitchen waste is systematically and carefully segregated according to the four-bin system, and food waste is sent for composting. Guestrooms feature two bins – one for recyclables and another for non-recyclables. It is noticeable that sale of vermin compost as produced from such waste management generates an additional income.


Rodas EcoTel Energy Management

·         No use of boilers to heat water: The excess heat generated by the air conditioners is reused to heat water up to 50°C.

  • The chilled water obtained from the air-conditioning system of the hotel is reused in general consumption after it is purified using ultra-violet rays.
  • A power factor at at 0.97 to 0.99 is maintained which accrues a discount from local utility company. It encourages energy savings.

Rodas EcoTel Environment Commitment

  • All refrigeration units use the gases 134A and 404A, which have zero ozone depletion potential, and are the most environmentally-friendly gases for such equipments.
  • All detergents used have a very low/neutral pH value.
  • Pest controlling is done through herbal.
  • All hangers in the guestrooms’ wardrobe areas are made out of sawdust.

The question is: Whether the municipal corporations or States' department of excise of India can bring about a change in their policies with regard to allowing license for opening new resorts or hotels including allowing running of such hotels in their municipal areas or area jurisdiction only on the conditions that the environmental norms and initiatives as taken by EcoTel group of hotels are met with.

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