Evolution never retreads back. The people, who have enjoyed the classic advantages of eGovernance, are not ready to accept even the smallest waver in any eFacility or any relaxation in any eService from the government. Once you have used the portal of IRCTC (http://www.irctc.co.in/), you are no longer ready to stand in queue for railway reservation; and if you have used the latest beta version of IRCTC with a faster and simpler planner, you will discard the old version of IRCTC like anything, for howsoever it was so close to your heart only 10-15 minutes ago.
A technology savvy person foresees the future. His presentiments about something newer evolutions in coming future keep him ahead of space and time (परिस्तिथि एवं काल). He is the one who reposes faith in himself. I wonder. I wonder how come one could have foreseen in 1995 like this:
“Over the next decade, business worldwide will be transformed. Intranets will revolutionize the way companies share information internally, and the Internet will revolutionize how they communicate externally. Corporations will redesign their nervous systems to rely on the networks that reach every member of the organization and beyond into the world of suppliers, consultants, and customers. These changes will let companies be more effective and often smaller. In the longer run, as broadband networks make physical proximity to urban services less essential, many businesses will decentralize and disperse their activities, and cities may be downsized too."
Yes, you are right, it is none other than Bill Gates, the Tao of computer technology who set off information age and macadamized the way for information era. What was perceived by Bill Gates, is happening actually. There are so many such other issues of 'foreseeing' in his book "The Road Ahead".
Advancements in technology are never utopia in the truest meaning of the word. Let us divert for a few minutes from our topic, or rather give it a new direction. No body had even thought 20 years ago of co-generation (generation of additional electricity using the same process, using the same fuel 'bagasse'), or a very few sugar mills were pioneer in steering through launching the co-generation projects in sugar mill. Now the time has come, when no sugar mill is practically economically viable without generating additional electricity and to sell it. Almost all plants of sugar (having the minimum capacity of 2500 MT of sugar cane crushing per day) are going for co-generation. Now sugar production is becoming a secondary thing, the primary production is of electricity. The sugar plants had to say in earlier day - We produce sugar only (हम चीनी ही बनाते हैंSa), have now to say – We produce sugar too (हम चीनी भी बनाते हैंa). That is all due to tremendous advancement in technologies related with boilers, turbine, sugar boiling system over the last 20 years.
Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader, not only of politics, but also of humanity. He spent all his life for eradicating the system of carrying human excreta on their heads by manual scavengers. But he was not that successful. In fact, the success came, of whatever magnitude, when the technology of flush toilet emerged. Technology ensures the transformation in the society, and the emergence and outbreak of technology can be in any field, electronic or mechanical or any other field.
To be continued………..